Installing Python2.6 in a virtual environment

First, install python2.6 executable. see previous post if you have issues when compiling (gcc not found).

Make sure you have installed python-dev with apt-get or yum.

Then, following the instructions on the same topic but for Python 3 in a virtualenv,


virtualenv --python=/home/<user>/Software/Python2.6/mybuild/bin/python2.6 virtualenv2.6 --no-setuptools
cd virtualenv2.6

Note the usage of –no-setuptools option. I had error related to pip and setuptools that could not be installed.

So, now we need to install them manually, but before, let us activate the newly created virtualenv:

cd virtualenv2.6
source bin/activate

and now, let us download and install setuptools:

wget -O - | python
cd setuptools-5.6/
python install

and finally, let us install pip

easy_install-2.6 pip

that’s it we are ready to use python2.6

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