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- Cormac on Pandas : how to compare dataframe with None
- LP on AWK: the substr command to select a substring
- jrab on python argparse issues with the help argument (TypeError: %o format: a number is required, not dict)
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Tag Archives: Linux
format USB key under fedora
I created a bootable USB key and needed to format the key so that others could use it again. Using the format option (see image below) in the KDE file environment, I got this error: This partition cannot be modified … Continue reading
How to send svn diff to meld
On one hand meld provides a nice GUI to visualise the differences between 2 files. On the other hand, with SVN diff command, you can obtain the differences between 2 versions of the same file so you end up with … Continue reading
Setup a server on your raspberryPi
This is a summary of what I did to setup a server on my raspberry Pi. This is based on previous post on the same topic and this link: Before starting, make sure that your raspberry software are updated … Continue reading
Installing JPype to use Java from Python
JPype is a Python package that allows you to call Java from Python. First, download the zip file (I got version I will use a virtual environment here, so the syntax is simply: cd /home/user/Downloads # path where the … Continue reading
How to get processor information (linux)
Simply type cat /proc/cpuinfocat /proc/cpuinfo You can also try cat /proc/meminfocat /proc/meminfo
installing rpy2 with different R version already installed
The easiest way to install a python package is to use easy_install (or pip), so to install rpy2, type: easy_install rpy2 To test that it is properly installed, type: import rpy2; from rpy2 import robjects; robjects.r(“version”) If this code works, … Continue reading
SVN properties
SVN allows to store some useful keywords which can be set, the value of which will be substituted for ‘tags’ in the file itself. For instance, if the Id keyword is set, place this line in your code __revision__ = … Continue reading
ssh on remote host without typing the password
When you connect to a remote host with SSH, you need to enter the password, which can be cumbersome on the long term when connections are frequent. Here is a solution to make the connection automatic. First, if not already … Continue reading
Fedora: how to add a sudo user (and avoid password)
How to add a user in the sudo list If you need to type commands using sudo, you will soon be tired to enter the sudo password again and again. Here are the steps to add a user in the … Continue reading
How to create an ISO image from a Folder (linux)
Under Linux, you can create an ISO image from a folder using a command line argument with the mkisofs tools. The following example creates an ISO image suitable to be used under Windows: mkisofs -J -l -R -V “Label CD” … Continue reading