Nice vscode extensions

Whether you are a new developer, or an expert developer, you should really consider using vscode I have to admit I have been using VIM for years and I believe  will always use it. I tried some great tools such as PyCharm (For python) or Sublime. I had tried other all-in-one tool such as Aptana or Eclipse. I always droopped them after a while simply because I had a better feeling with my VIM environment. Not saying that those are not great tools (they have also improved a lot as compared to a few years back). However, the more I try vscode, the more impressed I am. Of course, nothing is perfect. I had to reinstall it today on my Fedora box. However, this was done so quickly I was ready to work in less than a few minutes. Here are some notes about some extensions I have installed.


First, as for the installation, I just followed the instructions on their web page and

sudo rpm install code

made the job. Just type code in a shell and we are ready to go. Since I reinstalled the vscodem I devided to remove the .vscode/ directory in my home to start fom scratch.


Once vscode started, I installed the TabNine; . In the right hand side, click on extensions, search for tabnince and install it.

Open a file (e.g. python) and start typing. You should see the completion. A combination of CRTL+space should provide a set of name for completion.

Neat !!


I then installed the Pylance Python extension. When you will start z new project, think about setting up the correct environement.


I installed the gitgraph extension that looks quite promising. You can easily commit files, see the differences between version, see the deleted and changed files and so on. Looks promising. Of course, the most interesting to me was the graph side. To see it, click on “git graph” in the bottom panel.

github related

With respect to github extensions, I installed the one from Peter Knister that looks quite popular and general enough. It allows you to browse the Pull Request, issues and so on.

Another extension that looks great is the GitHub Repositories. This willl create a green icon in the right bottom corner, which allows you to browse a github repositories without cloning. You can quickly change your repositories that way. Actually, looks like you can also do it with others repositories.


A simple yet maybe useful extensions is this Excel Viewer extension. Neat visualisation of your complex CSV files.

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