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- Stan on python argparse issues with the help argument (TypeError: %o format: a number is required, not dict)
- Cormac on Pandas : how to compare dataframe with None
- LP on AWK: the substr command to select a substring
- jrab on python argparse issues with the help argument (TypeError: %o format: a number is required, not dict)
- How to disable SSL verification for urlretrieve? – Peter's blog on python: certificate verified failed
Tag Archives: python
Installing JPype to use Java from Python
JPype is a Python package that allows you to call Java from Python. First, download the zip file (I got version I will use a virtual environment here, so the syntax is simply: cd /home/user/Downloads # path where the … Continue reading
nosetests: setup and teardown methods
nosetests is a tool used to build unit tests in python. Here below, I show an example on how to write a class that will perform some tests (test that a directory that has been created exists indeed). One issue … Continue reading
How to plot left and right axis with matplotlib
Sometimes, it is convenient to plot 2 data sets that have not the same range within the same plots. One will use the left y-axes and the other will use the right y-axis. With matplotlib, you need to create subplots … Continue reading
How to call R plotting function from python using rpy2
Python has already very good librairies from plotting (e.g., matplotlib, mayavi), however, it is sometimes useful to use some of the plotting functionalities offered by R. Thanks to the rp2 package, it is quite easy. Let us try to use … Continue reading
How to embedded data files in python using setuptools
Within a Python package, it is useful to provide data files. These files are not python modules so you do not want to place same together with your module. Let us put them in a directory share/data. Suppose you have … Continue reading
installing rpy2 with different R version already installed
The easiest way to install a python package is to use easy_install (or pip), so to install rpy2, type: easy_install rpy2 To test that it is properly installed, type: import rpy2; from rpy2 import robjects; robjects.r(“version”) If this code works, … Continue reading
python: how to flatten a nested list
Simple nested list of strings Suppose that you have a simple nested list. Simple in the sense that there is only one level: data = [[’a’,’b’], [’c’], [’d’]]data = [[‘a’,’b’], [‘c’], [‘d’]] you can use the operator module and reduce … Continue reading
matplotlib: latex strings are not interpreted
If the LaTeX strings are not intepreted in matplotlib (e.g., in the xlabel), check your configuration file ( see previous post for matplotlib configuration file). You can either do it for one session : rc(’text’, usetex=True) plot([1,2],[3,4]); title(’a^2’) rc(‘text’, usetex=True) … Continue reading
Matplotlib configuration
Note 4/Sept/2013: the new location is /home/user/.config/matplotlib If you have ipython, try this command ipython -pylabipython -pylab and if you have Qt, you can change the backend (library used for plotting) and use qt as follows: ipython -pylab qtipython -pylab … Continue reading