Fedora: how to add a sudo user (and avoid password)

How to add a user in the sudo list

If you need to type commands using sudo, you will soon be tired to enter the sudo password again and again. Here are the steps to add a user in the sudo user list and to avoid typing the password. note that those commands need to be run with sudo.

First, edit the file /etc/sudoers, and add the following line somewhere:

%users ALL=(ALL) ALL

Save and exit. Then, you need to add your name to the user group. Type the following command in a shell:

usermod -a -G users <your username>

From now, you can use the command sudo from your account.

How to automatically login as sudo user without password

However, you will still need to enter the password. So, to avoid this annoying requirement, you can edit /etc/sudoers and add this command at the end of the file:


Save and exit. Finally, you will also need to create the “admin group”:

groupadd admin

and again, you need to be part of the admin group. So type this command in a shell:

usermod -a -G admin <your username>

You should be able to use sudo without password from now on.

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