VirtualBox: how to share a folder between Linux and a Windows virtual disk

Let us suppose you have a Linux platform and that you have created a Windows virtual box (let us call it Windows). Now, what you would like is to be able to access to a Linux folder from your VirtualBox environment.

The are two steps to follow, one within your own environment (Linux), and one within the virtual environment.

The first step is to create a directory under your Linux distribution, and to make this folder accessible to the VirtualBox environment. There are two choices to create this directory: either from the VirtualBox settings or manually by using the following command line argument:

VBoxManage sharedfolder add "Windows" --name share --hostpath "/home/user/.VirtualBox/share"

where “Windows” is the name of your VirtualBox session, and /home/user/.VirtualBox/share the directory where shared data will be placed.

The second step is done within your virtual environment. So start the Window session first. Once started, open a shell and type:

net use Z: \\vboxsvr\share

Note the space between ‘Z:’ and ‘\\vboxsvr\share’. If there was no errors, the Z drive should now have appeared in your computer explorer. You can now copy a file in this shared directory either from your Linux environment or your virtual Windows machine. If there was an error such as

System error 67 has occured. The network name cannot be found

Consider adding the Guest additions, remove the share folder and again step 1 and 2.

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