graphviz plot without graphviz…

Graphviz is a standard tools that is used to create images of graphs (see The graph are described thanks to a language. For instance the graph represented in the following image would be represented as

A -> B
B -> C
C -> A

Now, to transform the text above into an image, you would save the text in a file (let us say and type:

dot -Tsvg -o output.svg

where dot is a binary provided by graphviz. If you do not have graphviz, you can use the nice API from google (which is used to create the image below) by typing:

<img src=";chl=digraph{ A [style=filled,fillcolor=forestgreen];  A->B[color=red, arrowhead=tee] ;  B->C->A}&amp;chs=350x350" alt="neato chart">

