The following example illustrates how to use R package with Python by using the Rpy2 package.
This problem solve in this example is to fit a normal distribution on some data samples.
from rpy2.robjects import r from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr rnorm = r('rnorm') # create an alias to the R function rnorm x = rnorm(n=1000, mean=0, sd=1) # generates the data sample (normal distribution) # load the MASS library for distribution fitting MASS = importr('MASS') params = MASS.fitdistr(x, 'normal') # perform the fitting here print params |
The result is stored in the variable params. The above code print the following results:
mean sd -0.07962739 1.00467570 ( 0.03177064) ( 0.02246523) |
Telling you that the distribution has mean of -0.08 and a standard deviation of 0. The bracketted numbers indicates how trustful are the results. Numbers in parentheses are confidence intervals around the parameter.
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